Hooray for Christmas and the holidays! Moulin Roty is celebrating by releasing a wonderful Christmas catalogue with lots of fun Christmas toy ideas. The catalogue tells a story of three little pigs who are planning a surprise Christmas dinner for their friends. Click here or below to discover a gorgeous collection of Christmas toys with […]
Moulin Roty

Gifts for the Creative Child!
A curated collection for those children who like to make and create! From basic paints and pencils to fantastic Tiger Tribe kits, and beautiful Moulin Roty colouring books for the artistic child, to blocks, tracks and marble runs for those that like to build and construct! Whether they are drawing pictures or making a whole […]

Discover the new Memoire 2017 – 2018 catalogue!
Fly away with The Voyage of Olga, a fantastic adventure of little wild geese and their fellow travelers. Be guests of the Mirabelle Family, which welcomes you to a flowery meadow. Get to know Gus the Vulture, our new friend of Roty Moulin Bazar! Discover Moulin Roty’s new collections and our collaboration with six illustrators, […]

Winner of the Easter Little Wardrobe – Congratulations Michelle!
It is with great pleasure that we announce that the winner of the Easter Little Wardrobe was Michelle from WA. Here are some pictures of one of her little ones, Grace, enjoying the autumn leaves in the company of her Grande Famille friends. What a cutie!! Unfortunately, her twin brother Darcy was not in the […]

La Grande Famille celebrates 20 years
We have good reason to celebrate! La Grande Famille range from Moulin Roty is celebrating 20 years in 2017. It all started in 1997 with a soft mouse called Nini (originally known as Mimi) in a small, rural collective of artists (named Moulin Roty after the mill that stood on the site) in the west […]

Introducing brand new Tartempois products
From a country that’s fantastical, the Tartempois tread lightly through villages, over the countryside and beyond the hills. Tightrope walkers, balancing bubble blowers, they fly from trapeze to trapeze. Gymnasts and acrobats, Les Tartempois scatter happiness and cheerfulness, like confetti, wherever they pass. Inventing stories for themselves and to share with others. To celebrate new Tartempois […]

The little mice’s Christmas – Moulin Roty Christmas window
Moulin Roty sent us some beautiful photos of their Christmas window at the Maison et Objet trade fair in Paris. It features characters from the Il etait une fois (Once upon a time) range. The theme is a little mice’s Christmas. What are those mischievous mice up to? They are busy sewing, crafting and making […]

Announcing a new range of Moulin Roty toys – Il etait une fois
We’re excited to announce the launch of a new range of Moulin Roty toys from the Memoire d’enfant catalogue. Il etait une fois (Once upon a time), are a range of characters inspired by children’s fairy tales and nursery rhymes. Meet Lala, Mimi and Sissi – the three mice assistants to the adorable Owl magician. […]

Moulin Roty shadow puppets for a cold winter’s day
Moulin Roty shadow puppets are a great winter activity for those cold afternoons, when it is too unpleasant to play outside. If your children are looking for something to do, these beautiful laser cut shadow puppets are a great creative activity. They are an engaging, non screen based activity that can help develop verbal skills, social skills, imagination and […]

Celebrating 10 years of our toy shop in Merimbula
This month marks the 10th year anniversary of our little toy boutique. We have not been online all that time, but 10 years ago we opened up our toy shop in Merimbula and filled it with beautiful European toys. Our customers were delighted. People do really appreciate a range of high quality toys rather than […]

Nini and Sylvain go home for a holiday in France
Nini and Sylvain are going on a holiday! How exciting. They have been invited home by their parents for a family get together. After a very long plane trip, the little mouse and the little rabbit finally arrived in Paris. They arrived at their hotel room an hour or so later, just near Montparnasse, and […]

Les Zazous go to the park
It is nearly the weekend, and even though school has gone back, it is still summer! So Les Zazous plan to make a day of it, and have some fun. First stop, the playground. It is such a beautiful day! The animal friends climb onto the giant swing and all that can be heard is […]