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holiday time

Time for a holiday!!

Our warehouse will be closed from Tuesday, April the 23rd until Monday the 13th of May inclusive You heard right! Liz is heading off on a long overdue holiday !! But while our warehouse is closed, we wanted to give you something to say thank you for your patience and understanding during this time! […]

Little Snail Easter treasure hunt

Join us on an Easter egg hunt for your chance to win! Can you solve the riddles and reach the end of this ‘eggcellent’ journey? To celebrate Easter we are hosting an Easter egg hunt of a different kind and below is your first clue to start your adventure. Simply solve the riddle and it […]

Moulin Roty 2020 Christmas catalogue

Hooray for Christmas and the holidays! Moulin Roty is celebrating by releasing a wonderful Christmas catalogue with lots of fun Christmas toy ideas. The catalogue tells a story of three little pigs who are planning a surprise Christmas dinner for their friends. Click here or below to discover a gorgeous collection of Christmas toys with […]

interior of shop showing toys in window and on display

Merimbula storefront closure

We are sad to let you know that recently we closed our physical shopfront in Merimbula, NSW. It had been open and trading for 12 and 1/2 years, which is a long time in a small regional town. It has been great fun helping locals and visitors to Merimbula pick out special gifts for all […]

first day of christmas blog post

12 days of Christmas – advent calendar – day one

Here on Little Snail we love doing this every year. It is so much fun and it has such a festive spirit. It makes us happy to surprise you with our special promotions each day for 12 days in December. Kicking off with day one, the deal is ‘Spend $100 and get a free special […]

brightly coloured wooden cars

Discover the new Memoire 2017 – 2018 catalogue!

Fly away with The Voyage of Olga, a fantastic adventure of little wild geese and their fellow travelers. Be guests of the Mirabelle Family, which welcomes you to a flowery meadow. Get to know Gus the Vulture, our new friend of Roty Moulin Bazar! Discover Moulin Roty’s new collections and our collaboration with six illustrators, […]

7 fun activities to do indoors this winter

In most places in Australia, there are at least some days in winter when the sun is shining. It can be nice to get out to the playground or for a walk in the neighbourhood on these days. However, if the weather is too awful, and you are not feeling adventurous enough to go outside […]

children and limit screen time - problems and issues

Limit screen time to enhance cognitive and social development of your child?

If you are worried about your child spending too much time in front of a screen, you are not alone. Children are using technology in ways that their parents weren’t, at least from such a young age. In this new digital age, children as young as two or three are using their parents’ iPads or […]

Winner of the Easter Little Wardrobe – Congratulations Michelle!

It is with great pleasure that we announce that the winner of the Easter Little Wardrobe was Michelle from WA. Here are some pictures of one of her little ones, Grace, enjoying the autumn leaves in the company of her Grande Famille friends. What a cutie!! Unfortunately, her twin brother Darcy was not in the […]

Have a great Easter egg hunt with these tips

Easter egg hunts are a great Easter holiday tradition that can be lots of fun for everyone. The weather is usually still beautiful in Australia, so it is a good opportunity to get active outdoors. An Easter egg hunt can be a great way to create memories, spend time with friends and family and have […]

La Grande Famille celebrates 20th anniversary - Win a little Wardrobe

La Grande Famille celebrates 20 years

We have good reason to celebrate! La Grande Famille range from Moulin Roty is celebrating 20 years in 2017. It all started in 1997 with a soft mouse called Nini (originally known as Mimi) in a small, rural collective of artists (named Moulin Roty after the mill that stood on the site) in the west […]

tartempois, moulin roty toys, baby toys, soft toys, toy store

Introducing brand new Tartempois products

From a country that’s fantastical, the Tartempois tread lightly through villages, over the countryside and beyond the hills. Tightrope walkers, balancing bubble blowers, they fly from trapeze to trapeze. Gymnasts and acrobats, Les Tartempois scatter happiness and cheerfulness, like confetti, wherever they pass. Inventing stories for themselves and to share with others. To celebrate new Tartempois […]

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