It is with great pleasure that we announce the winner of our Christmas competition for a $100 gift voucher from Little Snail. We were so impressed with the entries. So many people put a lot of effort into their responses to the question: ‘What are the top three toys on your wish list this year? And why would you choose them?’ We found it very challenging to pick a winner, but in the end Katie’s response spoke to us the most.
Flower press – Moulin Roty

‘My Daughter loves flowers and we grow lots in our garden. This would get loads of use in pressing to preserve her beautiful gifts. We could make beautiful gifts with them for others.’
Little Julius – Moulin Roty
‘At birth, my daughter Emma was given a ‘Felicie’ chicken, and it has been her favourite toy. So well loved that she has no remaining orange colour on her. She has recently turned 3, and has asked Santa for a friend for Lucy (the chook). Too cute. A couple of weeks ago, she lost Lucy. Devastation is an understatement. I bought another from Little Snail. The dog would be a welcome friend for her new friend from Santa.’
Here is a picture of Katie’s daughter Emma with her beloved Lucy (Felicie the Moulin Roty chicken).
Night time shadows – circus – Moulin Roty

‘At night after books, we lie back and sing songs and talk about our days. We play shadow puppet games using our hands though we are limited by my animal shape skillset. She loves it all the same.’
Merry Christmas from Santa Snail
Congratulations Katie and Merry Christmas to you all!
Santa Snail was exceptionally delighted with all the entries this year. Thanks so much for taking the time and effort to send your entries to us! We wished that we could give a gift voucher to everyone, but we hope that you will be able to perhaps buy some of the gifts on your wish list for Christmas, this year or next! 🙂
Related links
Merry Christmas 2014 – Little Snail
Moulin Roty Australia – La Grande Famille