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girl jumping around snail hopscotch board

Games to play outdoors with floor chalk

Why not take advantage of the lovely weather, while we still have it and introduce a new outdoor game? In my research about using chalk for outdoor play, I came across some very fun games, that you might like to teach or play with your little ones.

Snail hopscotch

IMG_9354This is a fun variation of hopscotch. Draw a large circle (around 25 cm wide) on the ground then draw a very large spiral on the concrete starting at the circle and spiraling out like a snail’s shell. Make around 3 or 4 large spirals around the centre circle, then divide the spirals into spaces about 30 cm apart and number them.

The first player hops on one foot from the centre circle, along the numbered squares to the outside and then back again. If they make the journey without losing their balance or stepping on a line, then they can use the chalk to put their initials in one of the squares of their choosing.

girl jumping around snail hopscotch boardNo one is allowed to jump on that space for the rest of the game, and the next player must jump on one foot from the centre of the circle and back, but they must jump over the space with the initials. If they successfully make it, they can then initial a spot of their choosing.

The game becomes very fun and crazy when children have to hop all the way across the board to an empty space. The person with the most initialed squares wins the game.


Box out

This game is simple enough for younger children, and is also great for older children, who can experiment with strategy in order to win the game.

10 x 10 line grid to be used for box out gameDraw a very large square on the ground about three metres square. Divide the large square into a grid of 10 spaces wide x 10 spaces deep. The grid spaces need to be big enough for children to stand inside them.

Give each child a piece of chalk and let them choose a corner to start. The first player moves to an adjacent square and then puts a cross in the square that they came from with their coloured chalk.

Players take turns moving from one square to the next, crossing out boxes as they go. After a box is crossed out, no one can step in that box again for the rest of the game. If a player is stuck and cannot move they must forfeit their turn.

The winner is the one who can move after all the other players are stuck. You can use the grid again by using a 0 to mark the boxes on the second round and colouring in the square for the third game.

Active and outdoors

floor chalk sticks - Moulin RotyThese kinds of games are becoming more popular again, and are a great way to encourage your children to be active and to get outside in the fresh air.

You can buy beautiful coloured chalk from our little toy boutique.

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