Look who I found today!! Little Isidore, Barnabe, Apolline and Albert at the Alliance Francaise market in St Kilda!!
There were all sorts of amazing French products on sale there. Lovely pates and terrines as well as homewares, gifts, a whole stall dedicated to the So Frenchy So Chic festival and of course crepes. What would a French market be without a petit creperie? They sold sugar, lemon sugar and nutella crepes, and it was so interesting to watch them being made!
The piece de resistance was the So Frenchy So Chic stall, selling 2015 and 2016 copies of this popular CD, which you are sure to hear more about here on the Little Snail blog (it is a favourite of ours!). They also sold discounted tickets to the So Frenchy So Chic park festival that is happening in Sydney and Melbourne early next year. Great ideas for pressies for the adults in your life 🙂
It was very inspiring and refreshing. I was browsing French cooking books and a man started speaking to me in French. We got as far as ‘ca va?’ until he spoke fluently a sentence that I could not understand. The only thing I could say was ‘Je ne parle pas Francaise’ (I do not speak French). I wish that I did though! I am thinking of taking French classes next year. It would be great to go to some of those French conversation meetups.
Do you have Alliance Francaise in your town or city? Would you like to learn how to speak French?
It was absolutely enchanting to see Moulin Roty put in an appearance at the market 🙂 What would a French market be without Moulin Roty, I ask you?
Check out the Grande Famille range now!!
Related links
Alliance Francaise – Special events – 2015 Christmas market
Moulin Roty Christmas window at Galleries Lafayette